Master ABC Categorization
Set up the most frequently used categorization in ABC Analyzer.A double ABC categorization with the limits 80/15/5 and extra categories for new, dead and phantom items. WHAT: A Master ABC Categorization divide your items into the 9 classic ABC categories and the most frequently used extra categories. WHY SET UP A MASTER CATEGORIZATION? The categorization gives you a quick and useful overview of your stock. It gives you the opportunity to identify your most important items (AA) and divide your stock into homogenous groups that can be managed differentiated. If the double ABC categorization is completely new for you, we recommend you to read The principles behind ABC Analyzer. COLUMNS NEEDED IN THE CALCULATION:
SET-UP: The categorization is set up by the window “New categorization” in ABC Analyzer. Find the menu below the top menu “Edit”. RELATED RECIPES: You can at anytime extend your Master ABC Categorization with relevant extra categories. Use for example the following recipes to build useful extra categories: